The ESG Committee comprises Hazel Adam as Chair, plus Malcolm Cooper and Elizabeth McMeikan, all of whom are independent non-executive directors.  The Committee’s key responsibilities are:

  • To set the Company’s environmental KPIs, monitor performance against those KPIs and ensure the Investment Manager is managing its property portfolio in line with the ESG policy;
  • To ensure the Company complies with its external reporting requirements on ESG matters including the Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (“GRESB”), EPRA and Streamlined Energy and Carbon Report (“SECR”) and adopts sector best practice where appropriate;
  • To assess, at least annually, the fees and scope of engagement of the Company’s environmental consultants; and
  • To assess whether the Company is obtaining a suitable level of social outcomes for its tenants, other stakeholders and the communities in which it operates.

The Company is committed to delivering its strategic objectives in an ethical and responsible manner and meeting its corporate responsibilities towards society, human rights and the environment.  The Board acknowledges its responsibility to society is broader than simply generating financial returns for shareholders.  The Company’s approach to ESG matters addresses the importance of these issues in the day-to-day running of the business.